How Much Do Artificial Intelligence Programmers Make - Hoshino Shiro

How Much Do Artificial Intelligence Programmers Make


How Much Do Artificial Intelligence Programmers Make Jobs involving artificial intelligence (AI) are expanding quickly, at a rate of 74% annually.

How Much Do Artificial Intelligence Programmers Make

How Much Do Artificial Intelligence Programmers Make

According to the Emerging Jobs LinkedIn 2020 study, AI specialists have experienced the highest growth in employment over the past five years in the United States. These positions pay an annual salary of around IDR 1.9 billion on average.

This is as a result of how automation has altered daily life and employment. As a result, the best career prospects of our time are turning out to be those involving artificial intelligence.

Machines that analyze using logic and judgment to execute activities that require planning, reasoning, problem solving, and prediction are referred to as artificially intelligent. Artificial intelligence is a subset of automation.

AI experts frequently work in the IT sector, but many also hold teaching positions at high schools.

Some AI professionals typically gain AI skills online, which is fueling the e-learning sector’s explosive expansion.

Online learning platforms therefore employ AI specialists to instruct their students. Guy Berger, LinkedIn’s lead economist, stated that “artificial intelligence demands the entire workforce to learn new skills, whether it’s keeping up with present responsibilities or exploring new careers as a result of automation.”

In 2020, some jobs that make use of AI will pay well. Robotic Engineer is one of the jobs, with a 40% growth rate and a salary of US$ 85,000 (or Rp 1.1 billion) annually. Data scientists’ salaries then increased by 37% to 134,000 US dollars (or Rp. 2 billion) annually. Data engineer increased by 33%, earning 100,000 US dollars (or Rp. 1.4 billion) year. With annual revenue of 85,000 US dollars, or Rp. 1.1 billion, Javascript developers saw a 25% growth How Much Do Artificial Intelligence Programmers Make

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